Sunday, June 20, 2010

Diesel Beats the Heat

Mrrrr Friends,

It was hot this weekend. The folks stayed in and moved around stuff cats lay on a lot...boxes, chairs, rugs. When they get going it can be mayhem. Alex and I did the best we could in the situation, keeping things furred up, giving design advice. Boo set the camera down and I snapped this photo with my paw.

But mostly, beyond my morning perambulation outside, I kept it low key, conserving the cat cool. Here I am aerodynamically positioned on my back porch, catching the breeze, working out the problems of the world.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Flowers and Flitterbies

Mrrrrr Friends,

It's been kind of rainy and slow around these parts of late. When it rains, I just want to sleep. Sometimes I don't think about kibble for hours.

But we have a nice sunny day now and again. All that rain is making it pretty green. And there have been lots of's the last of my special tulips.

Most of our flowers are wild. Oom and Boo planted these last seemed to me a debatable decision at the time because the little bulb nuggets make fine toys for shooting across the floor. I'm glad though they got this one in the ground.

The blackberries have been blooming like crazy and they attracted a whole bunch of the big yellow flitterbies. Oom says they are Tiger Swallowtails. They are big and furry and they don't mess around.  Here's a female on our blackberries.

You can tell she's a female because she has those blue spots. Males only come in one color, the yellow with the black stripeys. But check it out, females can be black, and when they are yellow have those nice blue spots.

They're really more like birds...they look right at you when they are flying along and make appropriate adjustments when they see a car or another flitterby. I was walking in the yard this weekend, and I came along about 10 of them sitting in the yard...I think they were drinking water because they were in the marshy section sipping.

Now, I'm not a flitterby chasing cat. That just doesn't seem sportsmanlike to me. But I did want to sniff. Oom said no, but as I walked within about a cat's length of them, they all turned around and looked at me.

Freaked me out. I just sort of backed out of there...and they all just watched me.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Frog Spa

Mrrrr Friends,

Turns out the neighbors are running a frog spa. I kid you not. Check it out.
Can you find the three frog dudes in the photo? They're sitting there, being green, evenly spaced along the bank? Double click and make the picture large if you can't see them. In the water, they have what seems like thousands of tadpoles!

This pond environment is neighbor made. It has falling water and a stream and this big main fish live in it too...and bugs. My cat pal neighbors are pretty proud of it and I go and visit often.

I try to time my visits when the neighbor lady is out cause she thinks I'm handsome and she gives me good scritches. It's not that I don't get the Big Love at home, but a guy likes to be admired by the women-folk.