Monday, January 24, 2011

-24? How low can it go?

Mrbrrrr Friends,

Did you hear my name this morning on NCPR? Todd Moe was asking us locals to email him our backyard temperatures. I did that, and also wrote him to remind his human listeners to keep their companion critters' paws in mind and only let them outside if absolutely necessary. Todd was game...he wasn't daunted my feline-ness. He read my email out loud to everybody.

It was -32 in the wee hours before Boo got up. But by noon it was a balmy 0 again.

Alex and I made a bid to go out on the porch to sunbathe, but Oom and Boo say the porch birds don't need to see any cats. The suet set (blue jays mostly) are doing pretty good with their home-made suet. Oom got the rest a supermix with lots hulled seed, nuts, vitamins and stuff just for this arctic weather, in addition to all the black oil sunflower seeds and the gelatin blocks of nuts, seeds and corn. Alex says there are goldfinches, one redpoll, chickadees (Boreal and regular), cardinals (they are very red), titmice, nuthatches (both kinds), and juncos. No woodpeckers yet...

I don't think I'm going out on the snowpack today. Human people, keep your critters indoors! I know dogs need to go out to pee, but don't let them dawdle...

Best inside, on a lap or, if need be, by the radiator or wood stove. Human people, think about putting a little flax oil in your feline friend's food. That will help with itchy, dry skin.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Mbrrrrrr friends,

It's chilly out there.

According to Oom, I have an alter ego named Cranky Cat. He's a mean dude who growls, swats, and gets grumpy when he has to come inside on a nice day whether it is snowy, rainy, or sunny and green.

She tries to keep him locked outside.**

I don't know what she is talking about.

Anyway, if he's locked outside, he's like frozen stiff or really, really cranky now, because it went down to like -20 last night and this morning it was 0. It's supposed to get even colder today, but the sun's out.

I had to go outside.

Do you see that look on my face? Cold paws. Really cold paws.

Omm said she  saw cranky cat this morning.

I don't know what she is talking about.
Inside, blogging, is better.

**Dudes, don't worry...Cranky Cat is fictitious...Oom would never, ever lock a cat outside. Except Bob the Cat but he is, you know, big and wild and made to live outside.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Cat Named Mike the Cow

Mrrrrr Friends,

In the way that cats first meet - by smell - I met a cat guy named Mike the Cow.

Oom came home from the torture place where they stretch her out and make her lift heavy things in endless repetition. But she had made a stop on the way. I know this because I regularly meet her at the door and give her a good work's how I keep up on local trends and news.

Mike had left an articulate trail of fur and smell declaring his appreciation of Oom's catscritching techniques, but also introducing himself respectfully and appropriately to me. I keep Oom pretty well marked so that all cats, most dogs, and some horses know immediately they are dealing with Diesel T Hecat.

He must be quite a guy because he was all over her, sitting on her lap and even pad-padding. I don't know how he got that distinctive human name - though he says it suits him. I know that feeling.

Anyway, Mike and I have pretty different backgrounds and, likely, we have different ways of thinking. He is a stripey cat.  But cats are cool with difference, philosophical and physical. Throw in territorial issues, and things can get sticky, but 99.9% of the time, after a little butt sniffing, we can work it out. You humans might want to try butt-sniffing...or, at least, frank, honest, and respectful marking/messaging.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's All Good

Mrrrrr Friends,

Snow is back! What a relief.

Too bad I have to go back inside. But that's where the kibble is... And none of it is any fun unless Oom is out with me and I have Alex to go back to...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter on Hold

Mrrrrr Friends,

Is it an interlude, or are we warming up for another wimpy winter?

A few days ago, I was back from the Big Snow in the Big City and romping in my own winter wonderland. Hiking,

smelling stuff,

and climbing.

My brook had an ice bridge already.

Yesterday, I woke up and the tragedy was well along. Bummer. And today, so much for a layer of pack. Is that a brookie?

But it's nice to get a little sip from an ice pool.

Always a silver lining I guess.  My people are out making dead wood short and stacking it up. That's a good sign...they think there will be more winter.

Mrrrrooow...more snow is better though. Think snow. Send snow to the Big D.