Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Meaning of Sadness

Alex was my friend, my partner in crime - we occupied the kitchen table, roughhoused, ran and played 
together. I loved her with the Big Love and I miss her awfully bad. We were together for 7 years.

I said goodbye to her, but I thought she was just going to the vet for surgery. She was, but it was worse than they thought (the big C) and though she made it through the stabby stuff, she couldn't stay. She died the night after...quietly they say.

My people have been lost and I have not been able to help them much. It is hard. They brought her furry part back from the vet and showed me so I would understand. I sniffed...she was once there but wasn't anymore.

I am sad. This is what sad is. Sad makes it hard to eat and play.

But I see her everywhere. And I will remember her. And her smelly stuff is everywhere to remind me.

Alex "Banana" 2000-2013