Monday, December 17, 2012

Cat-Solstice 2012: Party Time!

Mrrrrr Friends in Fur,

Mrow! Cat-Solstice is upon us! Strap in cat lovers - Friday night feline rumble!

Cat-Solstice is the primo feline holiday; it celebrates nighttime. Your feline loves nighttime.

Cat-Solstice falls on Friday 21 December in these parts and has the longest dark of any day of the year. Depending on where any furry cat guy or gal lives, their longest night may fall just before or after official Northern Hemisphere Cat-Solstice. Therefore, cats worldwide celebrate over multiple days by engaging in extra nighttime prowling, scampering, mischief, and quiet nighttime contemplation.

Yes, that's us staring at you much of the night, we're still wondering when you'll grow fur.

I'm giving you fair warning so you can start giving your favorite feline extra love, extra kibble, and plenty of cat treats on Thursday and right through your cool tree holiday (though we suspect you made up your holiday so you could party with us).

Even when we scamper into the decorated tree branches, lick the top of the fresh baked pie crust, or hurl a hairball on a wrapped present, your peace on earth goodwill toward critters vibe will probably put you in the mood to handle it.

For those of you who didn't know that Cat-Solstice was such a big deal, you still have time to run out and buy cool cat treats for us. Indeed, we'll roll with it right into the whole human New Year, accepting presents graciously as you bring them to us.

If you need any gift advice, just check my earlier posts with a full "cat-toy review" - see the cloud links all the way at the bottom of the blog.