Sunday, March 14, 2010

Musing Spring

Mrrrrrr Friends,

What is it about the month or so leading up to spring? It's not even a set time or event. Instead, the creep toward the greening season starts gradually. It's kind of like trying to stay aware of how much you are growing when your a kind of lose track. The anticipation is part of it - the desire to frolic in green grass and warmer temperatures. For me, too, there's the sadness that the snow is slipping away and mud season will soon be on us here in the Adirondack Park. I'm not a big fan of mud.

I feel I need to do some focussed sleeping. So I've been doing that because, I'm a cat and I can make bold decisions like this.

I'm seriously shedding now. With a decreased fur resistance load and the snow clearing around the tree bases, I'm doing some practice tree-scaling. It is definitely transition time. New birds are moving through...migrating southward. The Purple Finch and Goldfinch gangs frequently skirmish for control of the feeders. The moles are tunneling more visibly. We got a little coating of snow today, but the ground is softening. You humans did your spring forward thing today, so now we can all pretend it is lighter later. (Why haven't your eyes adapted yet? Humans sure do evolve slow.)

I've been thinking about a little travel. Boo went to see some of our old pals in Wisconsin a couple weeks ago and it made me nostalgic. This is an unusual emotion in a cat, we're pretty practical. But I've been checking in with old friends and thinking about what a road trip could look like.

Nothing definitive...there's that whole litter box in the car thing. Perhaps a series of nice hikes would do? I've wondered about perhaps becoming the first 46er cat, here in the 'Dacks.